Synonyms (Test 1)
1 / 10
Which of the following is the synonyms of PROLIFERATE?
2 / 10
Which of the following is the synonyms of PARADOX?
3 / 10
Which of the following is the synonyms of COLOSSAL?
4 / 10
Which of the following is the synonyms of INCEPTION?
5 / 10
Which of the following is the synonyms of GRANDEUR?
6 / 10
Which of the following is the synonyms of INTREPID?
7 / 10
Which of the following is the synonyms of ABROGATE?
8 / 10
Which of the following is the synonyms of DEFERENCE?
9 / 10
Which of the following is the Synonym of OBNOXIOUS?
10 / 10
Which of the following is the synonyms of COVENANT?
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Synonyms (Test 2)
1 / 15
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14 / 15
15 / 15
Synonyms (Test 3)
Which of the following is the antonym of AMELIORATE?
Which of the following is the antonym of AMBULATORY?
Which of the following is the antonym of AMBLE?
Which of the following is the antonym of AMBIGUOUS?
Which of the following is the antonym of AMALGAMATE?
Which of the following is the antonym of ALOOF?
Which of the following is the antonym of ALLURE?
Which of the following is the antonym of ALLEVIATE?
Which of the followint is the antonym of ALACRITY?
Which of the following is the antonym of AGILITY?
Which of the following is the antonym of AFFLUENCE?
Which of the following is the antonym of AFFECTED?
Which of the following is the antonym of AFFABLE?
Which of the following is the antonym of ADVOCATE?
Which of the following is the antonym of ADULATION?