Percentage (Test 1)
1 / 20
270 candidates appeared for an examination, of which 252 passed. The pass percentage is:
2 / 20
Ten percent of twenty plus twenty percent of ten equals
3 / 20
One-eighth of a number is 41.5. What will 69% of that number be?
4 / 20
An agent sells goods of value of BDT 15000. The commission which he receives at the rate of 12.5 %
5 / 20
Two vessels contain equal quantities of 40% alcohol.Sachin changed the concentration of the first vessel to 50% by adding extra quantity of pure alcohol. Vivek changed the concentration of the second vessel to 50% replacing a certain quantity of the solution with pure alcohol. By what percentage the quantity of alcohol added by Sachin more/less than that replaced by Vivek?
6 / 20
From a container having pure milk, 20% is replaced by water and the process isrepeated thrice, at the end of the third operation, the milk is
7 / 20
A 27 quartz capacity car radiator is filled with 18% alcohol solution. How many quartzbe drained and then be replaced by a 90% alcohol solution for resulting solution tocontain 42% alcohol?
8 / 20
From 5 litres of a 20% solution of alcohol in water, 2 litres of solution is taken out and 2litres of water is added to it. Find the strength of alcohol in the new solution.
9 / 20
85% and 92% alcoholic solutions are mixed to get 35 litres of an 89% alcoholic solution.How many litres of each solution are there in the new mixture?
10 / 20
How many litres of a 30% alcohol solution should be added to 40 litres of a 60% alcoholsolution to prepare a 50% solution?
11 / 20
How many kg of pure salt must be added to 30 kg of 2% solution of salt and water toincrease it to a 10% solution?
12 / 20
After 30 kg of water had been evaporated from solution of salt and water, which had15% salt,the remaining solution had 20% salt. The weight of original solution was
13 / 20
After 25 kg of water had been evaporated from a solution of salt and water, which had20% salt, the remaining solution had 30% salt. Find the weight of the originalsolution.
14 / 20
In some quantity of ghee, 60% is pure ghee and 40% is vanaspati. If 10 kg of pure gheeis added, then the strength of vanaspati ghee becomes 20%. The original quantity was
15 / 20
The quantity of water (in ml) needed to reduce 9 ml shaving lotion containing 50%alcohol to a lotion containing 30% alcohol, is
16 / 20
To strengthen 400 ml of 15% alcohol solution to 32% alcohol solution, a pharmacistwould need additional pure alcohol amounting to
17 / 20
An alloy of gold and silver weighs 50 g. It contains 80% gold. How much gold should beadded to the alloy so that percentage of gold is increased to 90?
18 / 20
6 c.c. of a 20% solution of alcohol in water is mixed with 4 c.c. of a 60% solution ofalcohol in water. The alcoholic -strength of the mixture is
19 / 20
1 litre of water is added to 5 litres of alcohol-water solution containing 40% alcoholstrength. The strength of alcohol in the new solution will be
20 / 20
In a mixture of milk and water, the proportion of water by weight was 75%. If in the 60gms mixture 15 gm of water was added, what would be the percentage of water?
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